which of the following describes situational communication competence

Nonverbal rulebooks arent effective because they typically view a nonverbal signal in isolation, similar to how dictionaries separately list denotative definitions of words. The second guideline for decoding nonverbal signals is to recognize that certain nonverbal signals are related. Competence is the ability to do something well. Which of the following is NOT a desirable communication skill? Logically, early humans who were more successful at mirroring were more likely to secure food, shelter, and security and therefore passed that genetic disposition on down the line to us. Decades of research conducted by communication scholars shows that communication apprehension is common among college students (Priem & Solomon, 2009). Despite the fact that no guidelines for or definitions of competence will be applicable in all situations, the National Communication Association (NCA) has identified many aspects of competence related to communication. Remember that people enjoy interacting with others who are skilled at nonverbal encoding and decoding, which will be evident in their reactions, providing further motivation and encouragement to hone your skills. Speaking. Retrieved from: http://www.colorincolorado.org/article/home-language-english-language-learners-most-valuable-resource Paul Shanks - Communication - CC BY-NC 2.0. Reading Online, 7(2). True. These attempts to better . Avoid touching strangers unless being introduced or offering assistance. . In response to both of these comments, I say, Just because I know the concepts and definitions doesnt mean I always put them to good use. There is an intimate relationship among language, culture, identity, and cognition. are able to work with grade-level material with some modification. Im just like you. Mirroring evolved as an important social function in that it allowed early humans to more easily fit in with larger groups. People who are more nonverbally expressive typically form more positive initial impressions, because expressivity in the form of immediacy behaviors is attention getting and welcoming. Each educational program is designed for a different practice site. These diverse needs made lesson planning challenging, but his ELL kids were counting on him to find a way to communicate with them. One is given a picture. Practice and get feedback from a trusted source. Norton, B. What aspects of communication do you think are common sense? What aspects of communication do you think require more formal instruction and/or study? This information is pivotal when planning appropriate instruction for ELLs. Characteristics of Communicative Competence In terms of physiology, age, maturity, and ability to communicate affect competence. Which of the following is the goal of Alexia's communication with Mrs. Philips? (2011). Productive language refers to the information produced to convey meaning. When talking of communicative competence, we need to consider four important elements: grammatical or linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic. themes, concepts, genre, characters, and so on. communicate in English in new or unfamiliar settings. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. The third part of the definition we will unpack is ability to adapt to various contexts. Getting Started on Your Road to Communication Competence, The Getting Competent boxes throughout this book are meant to help you become a more confident and skilled communicator. Remember that adaptors can hurt your credibility in more formal or serious interactions. Even though we generally fit into certain social and cultural patterns, some people deviate from those norms. If the professor, however, regularly breaks off eye contact and looks anxiously at her office door, then she is sending a message that could be perceived as disinterest, which is incongruent with the overall message of care and concern she probably wants to encode. Can I think of another way to express my ideas if I cant remember the right word? A system used to deliver a message. Translanguaging is not code-switching; it is not just going from one language to another. Develop flexibility You can improve your communication competency by becoming flexible in your social interactions. surface features and rhetorical patterns of the native language (such as replication of ways of structuring text from native culture and language). However, this is not the same thing as chronic suspicion, which would not indicate communication competence. Mark L. Knapp and Kerry J. Daly (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2002): 33973. The first part of the definition we will unpack deals with knowledge. Asking these questions helps employers better understand your thought process and assess your problem-solving, self-management and communication skills. Nonverbal congruence refers to consistency among different nonverbal expressions within a cluster. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like It is accurate to say that Situational Leadership II (SLII) is primarily a. Descriptive b. Prescriptive c. Well supported by research d. Trait related, Which of the following statements best describes Situational Leadership? Communication competence has become a focus in higher education over the past couple of decades as educational policy makers and advocates have stressed a back to basics mentality (McCroskey, 1984). 1 (2000): 105. The way we stand, the distance between our listeners and us, the looks on our faces, and our tone of voice all influence the manner and content of our communication. Getting integrated: The NCA notes that developing communication competence in speaking and listening will help college students in academic, professional, and civic contexts. Yet teachers can still promote the use of native languages in their classrooms. Interprofessional Communication: Communicate with patients, families, communities, and other health professionals in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease. But displaying the thumb or thumbs while the rest of the hand is in the pocket is a signal of a dominant or authoritative attitude. For a study on translanguaging in a third grade classroom, read Translanguaging and Protected Spaces in a Dual Language Classroom: Tensions Across Restrictionist Policies and Unrestricted Practice by Kristen Pratt & Gisela Ernst-Slavit (in press). For example, think about the times we have heard an adult language learner say, I can read German, but I cant speak it at all. Likewise, some ELLs may have stronger listening and speaking skills, while others might be stronger writers but not as strong when it comes to speaking. In what situations can you arrive late? Communication is common in that it is something that we spend most of our time doing, but the ability to make sense of and improve our communication takes competence that is learned through deliberate study and personal reflection. How can I possibly teach all of this? Research in this area indicates that full proficiency in the native language facilitates the development of the second language (L2) (August & Shanahan, 2017). A politician is questioned by a reporter about allegations that she used taxpayer money to fund personal vacations. The ability to encode appropriate turn-taking signals can help ensure that we can hold the floor when needed in a conversation or work our way into a conversation smoothly, without inappropriately interrupting someone or otherwise being seen as rude. You would likely be able to offer some descriptors of how a person would look and act from the following categories: a goth person, a prep, a jock, a fashionista, a hipster. Communication competence is needed in order to understand communication ethics, to develop cultural awareness, to use computer-mediated communication, and to think critically. Avoid startling/surprising another person with your touch. Which of the following is NOT true of communication in the health care? They later told us that they were amazed at how we stood, threw our bags, and shifted position between rounds in unison. How do I know what attitude another person is expressing? CA includes multiple forms of communication, not just public speaking. What other options would improve situational monitoring? PreK12 English language proficiency standards. While learners follow a similar route in learning a second language, the rate in which they acquire the target language varies depending on a variety of linguistic, sociocultural, and cognitive factors. Pike, K.L. Reading and writing proficiency may vary depending on students . Language, identity, and the ownership of English. Communication is not only about oral and written language. Communication in the Real World by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Listening, however, is not a passive skill; it requires the active pursuit of meaning. While it is important to recognize that we send nonverbal signals through multiple channels simultaneously, we can also increase our nonverbal communication competence by becoming more aware of how it operates in specific channels. The longer you stand like that, the more frustrated and defensive you will become, because that nonverbal cluster reinforces and heightens your feelings. Check examples of state English language proficiency standards for K12 education on the website for the state of California at http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/englangdevstnd.pdf; Recognize when it is appropriate to communicate. Cultures with a high-context orientation generally use less verbal communication and value silence as a form of communication, which requires listeners to pay close attention to nonverbal signals and consider contextual influences on a message. Reprinted with permission. Select the most appropriate and effective medium for communicating. For example, the following exchange between a principal and her middle school Honduran student includes appropriate grammatical features but much more information than needed: While Antonios grammatical constructions are acceptable, in U.S. settings this may not be the response expected by a principal or teacher because it contains much more information than needed. Express ones knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with confidence, clarity, & respect, working to ensure common understanding of information, treatment & care decisions. The notion of code-switching assumes the alternation of separate languages in the context of a single conversation (e.g., Maria forgot su bolsa, where the child uses Spanish to mean her bag). For example, if you are waiting in line to get your drivers license renewed and the agents in front of you are moving slower than youd like and the man in front of you doesnt have his materials organized and is asking unnecessary questions, you might start to exhibit nonverbal clusters that signal frustration. These four domains can be classified as receptive or productive skills and as oral or written. 63-77). A traditional front-facing business or educational setup is designed for one person to communicate with a larger audience. communicate limited information in everyday and routine situations by using memorized phrases, groups of words, and formulas. Pike (1982), notes that [l]anguage is not merely a set of unrelated sounds, clauses, rules, and meanings; it is a total coherent system of these integrating with each other, and with behavior, context, universe of discourse, and observer perspective (p. 44). But add a frown to that mix and it can signal hostility (Pease & Pease, 2004). Eye contact is useful for initiating and regulating conversations. Think of a time when you overspent this month and you are talking with your significant other about how we will pay bills this month. Avoid overly aggressive touch, especially when disguised as playful touch (e.g., horseplay taken too far). Examples are provided in Figure 2.6. Since facial expressions are key for emotional communication, you may be able to strategically use your facial expressions to cheer someone up, lighten a mood, or create a more serious and somber tone. You are talking with your professor or boss. Educational reform, mathematics, and diverse learners: Meeting the needs of all students. What information do you already have that would help to inform the strategies you can use to meet their instructional needs? Rather than using a list of specific rules, I suggest people develop more general tools that will be useful in and adaptable to a variety of contexts. When we combine these terms, we get the following definition: communication competence refers to the knowledge of effective and appropriate communication patterns and the ability to use and adapt that knowledge in various contexts (Cooley & Roach, 1984). For each of the following scenarios, note (1) what behaviors may indicate deception, (2) alternative explanations for the behaviors (aside from deception), and (3) questions you could ask to get more information before making a judgment. Although this may be disappointing to those of you reading who like to think of yourselves as human lie detectors, there are some forces working against our deception detecting abilities. DePaulo, P. J., Applications of Nonverbal Behavior Research in Marketing and Management, Applications of Nonverbal Behavior Theories and Research, ed. As weve learned, people also tend to give more weight to nonverbal than verbal cues when evaluating the truthfulness of a person or her or his message. How are words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs put together to create cohesive and coherent communication (conversations, speeches, e-mail messages, reports, newspaper articles)? Select if they are true or false. A mindful communicator actively and fluidly processes information, is sensitive to communication contexts and multiple perspectives, and is able to adapt to novel communication situations (Burgoon, Berger, & Waldron, 2000). Although pets and children are often granted more leeway to breach other peoples space, since they are still learning social norms and rules, as a pet owner, parent, or temporary caretaker, be aware of this possibility and try to prevent such breaches or correct them when they occur. People can develop cognitive competence by observing and evaluating the actions of others. Apply their own frame of reference. Changing our nonverbal signals can affect our thoughts and emotions. Many educators working on issues of language educationthe development of additional languages for all, as well as minoritized languageshave embraced translanguaging theory and pedagogy. Communication apprehension (CA) refers to fear or anxiety experienced by a person due to real or imagined communication with another person or persons. encounter more difficulty with grade-level literacy than with oral language. There are numerous components of ICC. literacy development in their native language. The use of body language and objects to convey meaning to messages c. A process of offering advice and suggestions and relating similar experiences d. English learners process, understand, and respond to spoken language from a variety of speakers for a range of purposes in a variety of situations. In order to put that commonsense knowledge to competent use, we must have a more nuanced understanding of how conflict and interpersonal communication relate and know some conflict management strategies. This regulating function can be useful in initial encounters when we are trying to learn more about another person and in situations where status differentials are present or compliance gaining or dominance are goals. Prepare enough envelopes for participant pairs. Such deviations may lead people to misinterpret sexual or romantic interest or feel uncomfortable. Think, for example, about how people fall into formation when waiting in a line. The other is given paper and crayons. Communication competence is a situational ability to set realistic and appropriate goals and to maximize their achievement by using knowledge of self, other, context, and communication theory to generate adaptive communication performances. (2017, December). Change teams are key individuals within a primary care setting responsible for implementing TeamSTEPPS within that organization. Linguistic concepts: An introduction to tagnemics. Wales, UK: CAI. Even if you are intelligent, prepared, and motivated, CA and public speaking anxiety can detract from your communication and lead others to perceive you in ways you did not intend. Alexandria, VA: Author. and Texas at http://ipsi.utexas.edu/EST/files/standards/ELPS/ELPS.pdf Many names are available with audio files by native speakers. often pass through a silent period, during which time the student may not speak English. Therefore, a certain amount of tentativeness and mindful monitoring of a persons nonverbal and verbal communication can help us detect deception. Which of the following is an example of audience? But many of us avoid confronting what is causing conflict in our relationships even though we know its better to talk about our problems than to let them build up. Restaurant servers, bartenders, car salespeople, realtors, exotic dancers, and many others who work in a service or sales capacity know that part of sealing the deal is making people feel liked, valued, and important. What can a health care worker do to ensure that a patient understands medical information? He says, Um, wellI had already made plans to go to dinner with Cal and he drove last time so its kind of my turn to drive this time. Each one of his English learners was a unique individual with specific strengths and weaknesses in both language and content. Competence is not independent of the relationships and situations within which communication occurs. Which of the following statements best describes interpersonal communication? When assessing the proficiency levels of ELLs, it is important to take into account an individual students performances in each domain. Boston: Heinle & Heinle. What form of communication is used to indicate informed consent. While many states have developed their own sets of standards and may use four, five, or six proficiency levels or apply different labels for each stage (e.g., beginning, early intermediate, intermediate, early advanced, and advanced), the standards outline the progression of English language development in the four domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing through each of the different levels from novice to proficient. I teach history! Whether you will give your first presentation in this class next week or in two months, you may be one of many students in the introduction to communication studies course to face anxiety about communication in general or public speaking in particular. Better information = higher confidence. New York: Oxford University Press. Garca, O. We also shift the front of our body away from others since it has most of our sensory inputs and also allows access to body parts that are considered vulnerable, such as the stomach, face, and genitals (Andersen, 1999). Williams, C. 1996. How is instruction planned to address their different content and language needs? acquire a vocabulary of stock words and phrases covering many daily situations. London, UK: Penguin Books. As you get better at monitoring and controlling your nonverbal behaviors and understanding how nonverbal cues affect our interaction, you may show more competence in multiple types of communication. The situational theory of leadership suggests that no single leadership style is best. It releases endorphins, which naturally fight the adrenaline that causes anxiety. However, when Dad speaks to the children he does so in Urdu. Which active listening technique involves empathy? Furthermore, 70 percent of college students experience some trait CA, which means that addressing communication anxiety in a class like the one youre taking now stands to benefit the majority of students (Priem & Solomon, 2009). Recognize how ones own uniqueness, including experience level, expertise, culture, power, and hierarchy within the healthcare team, contributes to effective communication, conflict resolution, and positive interprofessional working relationships (University of Toronto, 2008). Consider the status and power dynamics involved in a touch. Genesee, F. (2012). Competence involves knowledge, motivation, and skills. Although those guides may contain many valid rules of nonverbal communication, those rules are always relative to the individual, social, and cultural contexts in which an interaction takes place. may not understand texts in which the concepts are presented in isolation and without contextualized support, the sentence structure is complex, or the vocabulary is abstract or has multiple meanings. This states that communication skills that work in some situations will not work in all . a. Start your outline and research early. This is just the beginning of our conversation about communication competence. 4.3 Nonverbal Communication Competence. Where you choose to sit can also impact perceived characteristics and leadership decisions. Research also shows that people get better at lying as they get older, because they learn more about the intricacies of communication signals and they also get more time to practice (Andersen, 1999). Instead of interrupting, you can use nonverbal signals like leaning in, increasing your eye contact, or using a brief gesture like subtly raising one hand or the index finger to signal to another person that youd like to soon take the floor. Translanguaging and education. August, D., & Shanahan, T. (2017). (2016). We have already defined communication, and you probably know that to be competent at something means you know what youre doing. This is likely due to the fact that people who are more nonverbally expressive are also more attention getting and engaging and make people feel more welcome and warm due to increased immediacy behaviors, all of which enhance perceptions of charisma. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Avoid moving people out of the way with only touchpair your touch with a verbal message like excuse me.. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (2006). There are four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Increasing our awareness of the multiple channels through which we send nonverbal cues can help us make our signals more congruent in the moment. Men often subconsciously put their hands in their pockets when they dont want to participate in a conversation. In most cases, we can consciously decide to work on our deficiencies, which may take considerable effort. may have difficulty understanding and using some idioms, figures of speech, and words with multiple meanings. Source:PreK-12 English Language Proficiency Standards by TESOL. And now youre starting to do the same thing, which is to notice and reflect on your communication more. When we become more aware of the messages we are sending, we can monitor for nonverbal signals that are incongruent with other messages or may be perceived as such. Riggio, R. E., Social Interaction Skills and Nonverbal Behavior, in Applications of Nonverbal Behavior Theories and Research, ed. In J. As you build a repertoire of communication knowledge based on your experiential and classroom knowledge, you will also be developing behavioral competence. This knowledge helps the communicator know what to communicate and, more important, how, when, and where to communicate something. Instead, it depends on which type of leadership and strategies are best-suited to the task. First, challenge yourself to see the value in the study of communication. Add C if it is part of a compound object or subject complement. In professional and social settings, it is generally OK to touch others on the arm or shoulder. You cant literally die of embarrassment. Audiences are forgiving and understanding. There is no one tell that gives away when someone is lying. Most studies reveal that deceivers talk less, especially in response to direct questions (Andersen, 1999). English learners engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences. Identify and employ strategies for improving competence with sending nonverbal messages. The first part of the definition we will unpack deals with knowledge. Chapter 2: Language Proficiency and Communicative Competence by Gisela Ernst-Slavit and Joy Egbert is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. The following are some nonverbal signals that have been associated with deception in research studies, but be cautious about viewing these as absolutes since individual and contextual differences should also be considered. 4.1 Principles and Functions of Nonverbal Communication, 5.4 Listenable Messages and Effective Feedback, 6.1 Principles of Interpersonal Communication, 6.2 Conflict and Interpersonal Communication, 6.3 Emotions and Interpersonal Communication, 6.4 Self-Disclosure and Interpersonal Communication, 8.2 Exploring Specific Cultural Identities, 8.4 Intercultural Communication Competence, 9.2 Researching and Supporting Your Speech, 10.2 Delivery Methods and Practice Sessions, 12.1 Speaking in Personal and Civic Contexts, 14.1 Leadership and Small Group Communication, 14.3 Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups, 15.1 Technological Advances: From the Printing Press to the iPhone, 15.2 Functions and Theories of Mass Communication, 16.3 New Media, the Self, and Relationships. Of course, as nonverbal cues are layered on, they may contradict other signals, in which case we can turn to context clues to aid our interpretation. still have some trouble comprehending and producing complex structures and academic language. possess language skills that are generally adequate for most day-to-day communication needs. My favorite way to increase my knowledge about nonverbal communication is to engage in people watching. Copyright 2006 by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL). In: Egbert, J. Pease, A. and Barbara Pease, The Definitive Book of Body Language (New York, NY: Bantam, 2004), 21. answer choices. Want to create or adapt books like this? Also realize that the norms and expectations for sending nonverbal messages, especially touch and personal space, vary widely between relational and professional contexts. the ability to use and adapt that knowledge to various communication contexts. Other reactions, such as changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin, increased breathing, and increased heart rate, are not always detectable. Which words and phrases fit with this setting and topic?

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