grafana docker allow_embedding

Bucket name for S3. You can also use the standard JAEGER_* environment variables to configure If you want to One of the, is while I'm trying to have grafana loaded embed with HA in a iframe, noticed I need to change the grafana.ini to allow that. Azure Virtual Machines instance). The host:port destination for reporting spans. Note: On Linux, Grafana uses /usr/share/grafana/public/dashboards/home.json as the default home dashboard location. Set this value to automatically add new users to the provided org. Configuring this setting will enable High Availability mode for alerting. Default is -1 (unlimited). These options control how images should be made public so they can be shared on services like Slack or email message. Syslog facility. Set to true if you host Grafana behind HTTPS. Default is 0, which keeps them forever. Custom install/learn more URL for enterprise plugins. The lifetime resets at each successful token rotation (token_rotation_interval_minutes). us-east-1, cn-north-1, etc. For information about manually or automatically installing plugins, refer to Install Grafana plugins. The name of the default Grafana Admin user, who has full permissions. Set to false to disable the X-XSS-Protection header, which tells browsers to stop pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Additional arguments to pass to the headless browser instance. Refer to the Getting Started guide for information about logging in, setting up data sources, and so on. Default is false. to data source settings to re-encode them. This led to the creation of three volumes each time a new instance of the Grafana container started, whether you wanted it or not. Options are production and development. Use these options if you want to send internal Grafana metrics to Graphite. This setting should be expressed as a duration, e.g. Set to false to disable external snapshot publish endpoint (default true). Default,,,,,, Override configuration with environment variables, strict_transport_security_max_age_seconds, basic_auth_username and basic_auth_password, rendering_viewport_max_device_scale_factor, skip org role sync for OAuth providers including users, skip org role sync for users and all other OAuth providers, skip org role sync for OAuth providers including AzureAD users, skip org role sync for AzureAD users and all other OAuth providers, Microsoft German national cloud (Black Forest), Postgres, MySQL and MSSQL data source query editors. The default images are based on the popular Alpine Linux project, available in the Alpine official image. Default is 24h (24 hours). -name "grafana.ini" and then just edit via vi command, it . This requires auto_assign_org to be set to true. Grafana has default and custom configuration files. Default is 100. Grafana needs a database to store users and dashboards (and other to us, so please leave this enabled. Set name for external snapshot button. Maximum size of file before rotating it. Should be set for user-assigned identity and should be empty for system-assigned identity. Set to true to automatically add new users to the main organization Default is false. Copy and request the provided URL. Grafana itself will make the images public readable when signed urls are not enabled. Configures the batch size for the annotation clean-up job. Limit the number of data sources allowed per organization. browsers to not allow rendering Grafana in a ,