equestria at war barrad guide

After the Pentarchy secures the reactor and Leopold is chosen to take over, his focus tree will load in. As the Host, go communist and don't do the Land distribution stuff in time. Equestria at War is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreements. As the tree is progressed, the player will be offered choices as to the severity of the wartime reforms - reluctant rearmament without compromising pony values, a desperate embrace of military reform and new powers for a new era of war, or a middle path between the two. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Separated by distance and already overextended, Equestria declined to provide substantial assistance. For more information, please see our This leader has political connections which has smoothed the way for his career. Equestria At War "Shores of Zebrica" Jan 29 2023 Full Version Beyond the southern seas on the other side of the world lies the continent of Zebrica. To do this, she must finish her journal, which requires you to complete every focus she has past the first segment, build Asinti's temple and discover the living rock, have her investigate the mutant plant attack after Captain Gsienica finishes their quest, digging deep enough in Leopold's excavations to unearth the Titan and defeat it, and search Silver Star's library for information. Cookie Notice protection clothing examples / example of localization in teaching / equestria at war dread league Download the equestria.zip archive, following one of these links. Her greatest abilities, though, are available in the state GUI. Glorious :D Friendship is combined arms :D, I promised my friend I would play this mod and its actually a very well done mod, I was extremely surprised. To go down the last path for Barrad, you must follow similar steps to that of Goddess Viira's path: following her journal to its end. Always increase communist popularity so the communists wins the battle. It removes The Pentarchy national spirit and has a large bonus to recruitable population, later giving factories and reduced consumer goods. Grimhoof is a high-ranking member of the Cloudsdale Royal Legion. Thanks a bunch m8. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This gives additional manpower, although it decreases the population in those regions. This is a fan-made modification for Hearts of Iron IV, not related or endorsed by Paradox Interactive or Hasbro. Easy to mass produce, these special battalions can be outfitted with magical infantry equipment instead and will support Leopold himself in warfare. Not only that, but any state you control that doesn't already have the Barrad Climate modifier can be given it, which also gives an instant 30% compliance. Princess Luna will take up the cause, eventually leading to a referendum on welcoming Thestrals into Equestria. Those require that particular character to be alive, meaning that you should aim to keep every character alive to get the full range of focuses. There are Earth Ponies, with a strength and affinity for growth and life, Pegasi, with the ability to fly and manipulate weather, and Unicorns, spellcasters with horns capable of impressive feats of magic. Each region provides 7-12 infantry divisions at near full equipment level, each with 6 infantry battalions and a support artillery battalion. ), Don't do any focuses until you get the 'Second Thoughts' event (You gain a new focus tree with only 1 focus, 'All is Well' because well all is truly well. While Leopold gets no direct war goals in his tree, he does get access to raiding decisions on all of his neighbors. However, in these changing times, the fate of nations no longer rests upon shoulders of heroes, but politics and military might. Though not necessarily the most humble politician, Blueblood knows how, when, and what to say what the public wants to hear, knows what the public wants, and has the intellect to carry out their will efficiently. She passes the rule to Ambrosius, the rightful king of machine gods or something. Travel Loans: We pay for the travel ticket ahead of time ), Do the 'Finis Omnarium Vitarum' focus and wait a long time, Once the event 'Will to Carry On' triggers the eventchain starts (You'll eventually find out that the windigos are behind most of your tyrannical actions. Silver Star, a paranoid sibling of Queen White Star so afraid of death that he turned to dark magic to ensure nothing could ever hurt him. ), Once you're finished with the decisions you'll get an event (Erebus will step down and restore democracy. The peace-loving nation of ponies now finds itself in a new world with foes not only at their borders but among their numbers as well. 2.5. And Viira, a magical deer with incredible abilities for her race, who wants to dominate the material realm through her magic so she can bring this knowledge and rule back to the rest of deerkind. For Viira to take her place as the Herald of Barrad, she must first defeat the surviving members of the Pentarchy before claiming the reactor. The recent campaign to welcome the Fourth Tribe into Equestria has changed this, and Princess Luna has now assumed a complementary role alongside her sister, working to realise the dreams of her subjects. While Storm King was preparing his ambitious invasion of Equestria, Fizzlepop managed to capture Princess Twilight Sparkle while she was on Mount Aris. He entered the new democratic political scene through his financial influence and power, under the simple but to some, sort of unsettling catchphrase "Make Equestria Great Again", though not exactly specifying how in the face of opponents with more clear motives, goals, and methods. Naturally, the player will want to reach it as soon as possible. Talk about what services you provide. With Leopold's hero division, any border war you attempt should be won easily. You will also make the former Pentarchy members undead generals, with Asinti and Leopold being available if they remained alive by the end of the Viira fight. However, this age of expansion and victory would not last. Friendship is the foundation of Equestria and makes cooperation between unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies possible. It is rumoured he is in a romantic relationship with the famed supermodel Fleur de Lis, but he claims they are purely platonic friends. These decisions will also be reflected in the Toll of War, an item in the decision tab that measures the psychological impact of the war on Celestia, and Equestria's attitude towards militarism. ), Dont do the Proclaim the Commune! focus until the civil war, Pick the Hetman option once the civil war begins (You get a new focus tree in which you restore the hetmanate, you can swear fealty to the Grifonian Empire), Do the Kosakenland focus (A new puppet will be installed in the Gryphian Host with a new focus tree), Wait until the Griffonian Republic gets annexed, Allow the republican coup to succeed (You get a new focus tree where you become the Griffonian Republic in exile and you hold fresh elections.). The second segment grants increased research speed, a research slot and war goals on Austurland and Kasa. For Cyanolisia, remain Non-aligned and lose all but your Capital state to Asterion, then surrender with a decision. (Famine strikes and if no one decides to help you a fourth of your nation dies. An April Fools Crossover with The New Order: Last Days of Europe, which is vastly different from other paths. While hard to imagine, Barrad has not always been the place of dark magic it is now. You can check back here whenever you see a tooltip about the journal for new writing. An ancient land whose exact origins are shrouded in myth and legend, Equestria is the nation of ponykind, of the three equine races which unified to face a hostile world. However, these paled in comparison to the surprise invasion by the Changelings in 1002 ALB, a race of insect-like shapeshifters from the north who fed on the love of their victims. By infiltrating the palace and replacing Alicorn Princess Mi Amore Candenza of the Amore Dynasty, Queen Chrysalis and her hive were able to take Canterlot by surprise, capturing both Celestia and Luna. The last requirement is that Viira must have less then 1.2k resources when she ignites the reactor; collapsing Asinti's temple will cause a massive drain on Viira's resources, which can easily put it under 1.2k. Note that the choice of leaders differs slightly depending on the selection of a Republic or Constitutional Monarchy. Fancy Pants is an aristocrat and a member of Canterlot's upper class. Each has a resource count which can be increased through various means, and can be used on their decisions for buffs and decreasing the negative effects of Outdated Industrial Sector. He is widely known to be an arrogant and lazy snob, which is why it was a great surprise when he volunteered to join the officer corps of the Equestrian Army. Otherwise, the chance varies from low to almost-certain. The Princesses of Equestria, Celestia and Luna wield power over the Sun and Moon respectively. She is the sole inhabitant of the monster-filled Everfree Forest and is a skilled brewer of potions who speaks solely in rhymes. Raven Inkwell is Princess Celestia's personal assistant and helps her with administrative tasks and tedious paperwork, such as organizing celebrations and signing peace treaties. However, the bulk of the new army will be made up of Leopold's invention: The Clockworks. It seems she knows much about the rapid warfare tactics used by her kind in Zebrica, and can teach much to our mobile units. fantastical world of Equestria from the My Little Pony franchise, dimmed Equestria At War "Shores of Zebrica" Dec 24 2022 Full Version A wealthy businesspony, Filthy Rich has a monopoly on selling the delicious zap-apple jam which is produced only in Ponyville. ), Have the social-democrats win and you get your focus tree (You are a social-democratic state, you can even work together with Equestria. Or will this be the end of Harmony for the ponies? The heart of the tree is the Wartime Reforms, which lock off a variety of focuses that make Equestria incredibly powerful and dangerous. Building up power and influence, one day he finally made his move. The other candidates (Fancy Pants, Filthy Rich, and Maxos Eternal) can be chosen regardless of what Equestria becomes. The Non-aligned will start a civil war. To successfully remove the spirit, Equestria must earn 4 reform points, using expensive reforms. We offer end-to-end services on all real-estate related needs with full guidance on each process including legal advice, monitoring and tracking progress and step-by-step updates. Her knowledge on rocks means she knows very well how to use terrain to our advantage. Be attacked will the civil war is ongoing and the FNV/PVDA will seek a servant to rule. ), Pick Hempstrand's Socialist Agrarian Party, Halfway through you'll get an event which gives you a new focus tree. Using more magic in her last mana state will turn Barrad into a body without a head. The nobleponies however will eventually be reformed into a better template, but either way the Barradian army will need a major overhaul to fight its future enemies. Celestia and Luna used the Elements of Harmony to defeat and banish him to the Frozen North. However, these creatures only cooperate because they have to, and each carry their own agenda. I decided to first write a comment containing everything but after people where still asking me questions I decided to write this. ), In the event The Showdown pick the option Try and take the shot, Abba!, Do your focuses and play the game. by | Published May 11, 2022 . She has been called the best flier in all of Equestria and her large ego is only inflated further by this. From time to time brave ponies and griffons from nearby countries band together to try their luck in our lands driven by a variety of reasons. However, you must also prevent the fight between the Pentarchy and Viira when the reactor starts. The Princes' attend the high class military academy in Canterlot, where they are trained to command armies in battle. With the recent return of Princess Luna to assist her in rulership, Princess Celestia continues to perpetuate the long, relative peace for all the ponies of Equestria. After a major war, ponies, shocked over the radical destruction and transformation of their peaceful life, will question the wisdom of the Princess's rule, and advocate democratic reform. The spirits and locks cannot be fully removed without the onset of a major war or 40% War Support. Demon Nation, Leopold Ascension-Giant Mecha-Bird makes a mecha-nation. She is known for her shyness, but also her beauty and hidden assertiveness that is revealed whenever her friends are threatened. Well you've got opportunity The agency was originally dissolved when a bugbear managed to escape from Tartarus, but has now been re-established in these uncertain times. If Luna gives in, Nightmare Moon overtakes her and the Lunar Empire forms. ), Complete the eventchain and then choose between Avatar or Spirit rule (There are two focus trees one for each path The spirits can be merciful or not, and be traditional or modernize. Once that last focus is taken, the next segment will be unlocked. Once the various industrial, scientific and military problems have been addressed, Silver Star can finally turn his attention to the conquest of the Riverlands. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Once you choose one, the focuses following it will grant reduced production cost of infantry equipment, buffs to magical equipment and a large bonus to combat on core territory. In 991 ALB the Northern Equestrian Region of Severnaya faced crop failure and impending famine. How will Equestria approach the troubling times ahead? One of Equestria's foremost experts on trenches, Thunderbolt Sentinel knows how to hold the line. At the behest of many of his fellows in the army, he reluctantly joined the rising democratic movement during an R&R period during the Lunar Civil War. Ambitious creatures from all over the world came to join him, but only four rose above the rest. For more than a thousand years, Princess Celestia has been ruling the lands of Equestria. A zealous crackdown by the Equestrian Guard sparked an uprising, and eventually lead to Severnaya's secession from Equestria as a Communist state, naming itself Stalliongrad. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Cadance, is another Alicorn Princess, though she began life as a Pegasus. If Luna successfully resisted Nightmare Moon, the maluses will be removed and Luna will assume her place as a true co-equal ruler alongside Celestia. The decisions take twenty days to complete and drain PP while active. There's no extra credit in Whiplash's world. However, Equestria starts with a 70% discount to Fighters, allowing it to quickly begin Fighter I production. and an ample amount of political intrigue. How do I unlock Twilight as a leader? Option 1 is safer but more expensive. A good enough plan can survive contact with the enemy. Sense of duty, greed, boredom, in the end all they accomplish is ruining a few parties. Stagnant. Mournful but resolute, Celestia ruled Equestria under the mantle of Harmony and its guiding philosophy of cooperation, friendship, and trust, supported by careful management of ecological and climate balance. Silver Star will be able to instantly deploy forces straight from creation, so taking advantage of his large ponypower pool is recommended. Soarin is the second-in-command of the Wonderbolts, a team of expert pegasus fliers. Viira wins!-Machine comes into power. If Chieftain Strongheart is selected, she will likely join Equestrian on her own accord, bypassing the first two focuses. So, here's what I've seen so far and wanted to find out what I'm missing. What is the second southern war for Baltimare? I don't think this list mentioned Cyanolisia or Gryphian Host. Empires rose and fell, but Equestria remained. ), Complete your new focus tree (In the end you shoot Grover VI and you get a new focus tree. But Sombra, bitter with his imminent imprisonment, cursed the Crystal Empire, locking it away along with him. Graced by their millenia-old wisdom, the ponies feel safe and protected. Go to C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Nopony has experienced war since time immemorial. At the top is a timer for Count Ambrosius, and every time it reaches 0 a random effect will occur. You get a new tree. Instead, Viira becomes a national spirit in a supporting role, and decisions unlock to use her new powers to aid your divisions in war. Considered a pioneer in many respects, Mayor Mare, otherwise known as Flitter Flutter, trailblazed many aspects of democratic campaigning at the local level. You can only form one or the other, so choose wisely. Together, these creatures form the Pentarchy, the masters of Barrad. Therefore, it may be a better idea to pick and choose the focuses you want to save time. WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM The First Equestrian British war II started in 1885 where the British empire tries to conquer Equestria to become part of their colony but failed due to that Equestria has powers to defeat the British. ModDB page. Only Twilight Sparkle's last-minute intervention and the assistance of the real Princess Cadence defeated Queen Chrysalis, which also drove her changelings out of the city. Princess Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn, the Element of Magic, and the Princess of Friendship. For Cyanolisia: I added it with the Asterion secret as you can also do it as Asterion. why does anemia cause thrombocytosis 11 mai 2022 . You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. The middle path both has army bonuses and industrial bonuses. ), Puppet crystal empire as the Lunar empire, Take a decision or event that appears to tagswitch (There are two paths, a benevolent path under Rarity or the authoritarian path.). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Celestia can choose to back these reforms personally (Option 1), or allow Luna to lead them (Option 2 or 3). While not the most brilliant officer, he is unlikely to cause trouble. Magitech, steam power, and electricity transformed pastoral villages into bustling cities and the printing press made literacy possible for the masses. The player should monitor the changelings, plan accordingly, and avoid accidentally starting a 70-day focus just before the changelings begin to justify. Barrad does not start in a good situation in 1007. See the Lunar Empire page for further information on playing as the Lunar Empire. Silver Ascension-Horse wins immortality, loses all the good looks he had. Today we venture deep into the cursed woods of Barrad, where science and magic both mingle with the dark arts. This spirit especially hurts Equestria's recruitable population and defence. Finally, Gryphus can declare if the Knights took over and started the Southern Crusade. He's regarded as the most important pony in the capital alongside the Princesses, and indeed wields considerable influence. Any tips on how to blitz equestria as the changelings so that I can get to the ELF without having changelings at the end of the tech tree waiting to nuke me? Instead of going for a rapid unending attack on the Riverlands, Silver Star instead turns his nation into a true kingdom, one of eternal life through undeath. If Equestria is losing a defensive non-civil war (>10% surrender) with a major, it can recruit militias from 5 regions for 40 political power each. HOI4: Equestria at War - Barrad Magocracy #4 - It's Always The Quiet Ones Conquering History Games 25.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.3K views 2 years ago Link to the full Barrad Magocracy. He was a stallion who cared very much about his fellow equine and looked to make his mark helping others, becoming a key figure in maintaining the Equestrian food supply and overall rationing system when the Lunar Civil War broke out. Once it was a province of the Kingdom of Wittenland, one rich and filled with abundant minerals and fertile farmlands. Celestia and Luna soon realized their destinies were to wield control over the Sun and Moon respectively. Examine the Situation is a prerequisite to assistance to the Crystal Empire, industrial focuses, and changeling defence. You will also need 1200 resources to survive starting the reactor, so keep a stockpile for after the fight. Is it after the civil war or when does it start? Yeah, I too wanted to experience the whole mod so I went digging and after I kept seeing posts about how to get a secret path. Fast Clip is a member of the Wonderbolts and acts as a drill instructor, training cadets for the Wonderbolts Academy. With change came strife. ), Do all focuses up until 'Springtime for Greiwald', Once the Changelings are annexed, do the 'A Change of Pace' decision (You get a new focus tree where you invite more and more Changelings into the government until they eventually take control. And, when the time comes, each won't be afraid to betray the others. While she lives in rural Ponyville, she admires the urban elite of Canterlot and emulates them whenever possible, but never forgets her roots. ), You get the 'The End of a Crusade event' (The windigos are pissed and out of spite Rosa kills herself therefore eliminating all life on the planet. You can raid nations. Note: Mayor Mare and Ember Spark can only be selected if Equestria becomes a Republic, while Prince Blueblood and Ledd Metal can only be chosen if Equestria becomes a Constitutional Monarchy. All actions take up stamina points, which can be recharged by skipping your turn. These have various bonuses, as shown below. Shared between them is another research slot and an increase to your scientific base. Buffalo Relations is a path to integrate and develop the southern regions of Equestria, but requires a resolution to the buffalo tensions You will be given a first and second opportunity to resolve the situation with the buffaloes peacefully. You open your food stores and all famine is solved.). Trigger events manually. This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. Revolutionaries began to speak of an alternative system, where all are equal. Equestria has lived in harmony for a millennium under the guidance of the Alicorn Princess, Celestia. Should you have defeated the Titan by digging the mine shaft deep enough previously, Leopold will be buffed further, turning him into a truly unstoppable force. The first is forming the Grand County of Barrad, which will give +0.25% compliance gain and allow you to core Kasa and Gryphus, utilizing the war goal decision you get on them, with Gryphus' being if you chose the relevant focus in the first section. As such, the country is less open to radical changes. Agent Sweetie Drops, whose undercover alias is Bon Bon, who recently rejoined the monster-hunting agency of S.M.I.L.E. -Giant Mecha-Bird makes a mecha-nation. Once Ambrosius finds the truth behind the being in Barrad, the first section appears about finally bringing sanity back to Barrad and fixing Ambrosius' old mistakes. Barrad's national focus tree does not work like other nations. Lead by the Pentarchy, a group of five creatures free to pursue their aims with no oversight or qualms, the ponies that live in Barrad are treated as nothing more then experiments. Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost. Alongside Fast Clip, Whiplash is a drill instructor of the Wonderbolts. The military section is woven into the branch, allowing you to choose between a mass assault doctrine and improving your special forces. Now that war is on our doorstep, perhaps we can give him a more serious duty to fulfill. The air force tree is similar, granting free air bases and a choice between Strategic Destruction and Battlefield Support. Current game version: "Shores of Zebrica" 2.0.1 The first section will result in locking your economy and conscription laws to Civilian Economy and Volunteer Only, but will almost immediately be counteracted with incredibly powerful national spirits which will give huge amounts of recruitable population and excellent economic benefits.

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